To order, you need to give us the following details - recipient's name, recipient's contacts: delivery address, email address. For further assistance, call us at 01904-446104.
The product will be delivered within 2-3 working days. Some important issues-
1. We don’t have refund/return/ trial option in delivery. You must receive the order and pay the delivery man first.
2. You can exchange "intact products" as per need within 24 HOURS of purchase either with home delivery or directly from stores. Only applicable for shoes.
3. Our delivery team will be calling you from a Banglalink, please make sure to receive call from unknown Banglalink.
Confirm the payment though Bkash. Once the payment is confirmed, it will be delivered within 2-3 working days via eCourier service.
bkash details- bkash number- 01711-131926 (merchant number ) BKASH MENU ---> PAYMENT (option 3) ---> MERCHANT NO. 01711-131926 ---> ENTER AMOUNT(Total amount) ----> ENTER REFERENCE (Your name/number) ----> COUNTER NO. : 1 ---> ENTER MENU PIN TO CONFIRM
For assistance with payment please call at - 01607035380
Please note:
1. No exchange for bags or sale items.
2. Our products go through a 3-step intensive quality checking program before being delivered, so you can be ensured that we will send you an intact and perfect product.
3. We will not be held liable for any damages occurring from mishandling during delivery or misuse of the product.
4. Please inform us the number from which you have sent the payment and TRX ID.
5. Please confirm payment within 24 hours or your order will be cancelled.
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